Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The next generation for change

This is one of those proud papa moments.

My 8 year old daughter has some friends in her Sunday School class that recently moved here from Kenya. After hearing what life was like for them in Kenya, she felt burdened to do something about it.

She came to my wife and said she felt led to raise a $1,000 for an orphanage in Kenya. She didn't know what orphanage, but she knew the money needed to go there. She asked Graceland's senior pastor Scott Miller (who is also on the board of Mustard Seed International) if he would find an orphanage to send the money to.

It seemed cute at first, and as a parent you see your children excited about something, and then on to something else after a short period of time. This was different. She invited some friends to join in what she named the "Saturday Service Club". Her concept was that friendships could grow while serving a common cause. She produced her own brochure and asked if I would donate the printing, and came up with the idea of selling Valentine's day gifts for $15 a piece that would include a velvet rose, a stuffed animal, a handmade greeting card (with room for you to put your own note) and "homemade sweets and confectioneries".

When the dust had settled on the assembly line of putting the baskets together, Sophia raised $1,100 for the orphanage in Kenya. $100 over her original goal. Pastor Scott Miller has arranged for the money to go to the Rafiki Foundation, which has a location in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Courier-Journal even did a story on her project:

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